He is also the author of another famous 1956 novel, The Waning Man, and of a complete collection of short stories, unpublished at the moment in Spain, and which Gigamesh publishing house will publish for the first time in our country in several volumes. For more references on this type of adaptations, see our special The Future Adaptations of Science-Fiction of Hollywood. On many occasions it was these authors who advanced the future.
These novels have many qualities, since in addition to entertaining they are good to avoid everyday problems. I do not include it because it is the second part of a saga, and because Sanderson already has another novel on the top. I have already reviewed it, and I keep saying it: Morán has created a saga of urban fantasy and comedy that I feel will last many years.
Sanderson is Sanderson, but the truth is that the breath of the gods is one of his weakest adult fantasy books (there is still a lot of level). I read it to a great extent as soon as I learned that there was a sword with conscience in the novel, treated as a real character and not as a tool (although it was a bit disappointing, really, but of course, I have too high standards In that aspect). There are two types of science fiction.
This novel belongs to the second type, and tells us a very personal story with very fantastic characters. In any case, Seraphina is a very good work, with a very original fantastic world, with very original dragons and with a great perspective, with memorable and unique characters ... It is a youth fantasy work that knows how best science fiction audiobooks to truly make a fantastic racism â€( mestizos with dragons are really discriminated against) and who knows when to leave romanticism aside because we have more important things to deal with. In addition, Abercrombie returns with secondary novels, such as Chills, and embroider battle scenes as only he knows how to do it.
It is a novel that has nothing left, but that could be dressed a little better to achieve a better effect. The secret song of the world is the best Spanish fantasy novel so far. It is probably also one of the best macabre fantasy in the world, because it has nothing to envy Neil Gaiman (although they have different approaches).

I hope it is a slightly more diverse list of what is usually seen out there: 3 for everyone to find an interesting book. Surely you find several books that you love! "A dark story" was also one of the most prominent books I read during the past year.
With regard to the lack of limits of the magic they use in the novel, I noticed it too (stupid and sensual Sanderson, after reading it to him my expectations in this aspect rose to unexpected levels), but you are right that it is compensated with other aspects and it ends up being very balanced. And moving on to the other novel, "The Secret Song of the World," I think it has its well deserved place at the top of your list. It is one of the novels that get you deep because they generate intense emotions.
Guillem López has limited his experimental essays in a short format that can make him expand the public that looks at his books. It is not the book that owed us (the sixth installment of the series started with 'Game of Thrones', not to mention the seventh, both already overflowed by the HBO series) but surely in the heat of the series, it triumphs. € 15.90. Pure escapism, in the short novel format for which many publishers of the genre in Spain are finally betting.
Free access to books and magazines in PDF. It is not a novel, but Bradbury's "Martian Chronicles" is the best written in sci-fique that can be read. And if we accept 1984 as science fiction I stay with Fahrenheit 451 of Bradbury.
To cite a contemporary Spanish Catalan-language author: Albert Sánchez Piñol and his first novel "La pell freda" (Cold Skin). I may not reach the level top sci fi audiobooks of those cited, (half of them I would not consider science fiction) but when I read it it made a big impression on me. You can not miss these novels.
No problem, because at the end of the article we have compiled a tremendous list of 100 science fiction titles chosen by NPR and another list selected by Reddit users. These are some of the books that I recommend. American Gods: an impressive novel by one of my favorite comic book authors, Neil Gaiman.
I have to include this book among the best I have read in recent decades. Continuation of Think in Phlebas, and a much more interesting and entertaining book to read. A leisurely reading and well-developed characters is what awaits you in these 3 books.
The dark forest (Trilogy of the Three Bodies 2), is the continuation of the previous book ... and the truth is that the topic becomes interesting: humanity fights extinction within about 400 years due to the arrival of the extraterrestrial civilization of the Trisolaris. Isaac Asimov's books are so good that they deserve to be treated separately. The titles of the books of the two listings he presented are in English, but that does not have to be a problem to find them in Spanish.